Is your Investigation Management a proactive measure for risk mitigation? Join us as we investigate the triggers that can spark investigations in your...
Most professionals have the good fortune of working for really fantastic leaders, but also the misfortune of working with a few ineffective leaders. Truly inspiring leaders lead...
In the 21st century, companies that focus on just design and operations will be left behind. Intelligent, efficient and optimized systems must keep evolving and need to be...
Part 1 of 2
Have you ever had a discussion with your significant other about non-value-added activities? For instance, why rake leaves when the wind eventually will blow them...
Part 2 of 2
The reallocation of responsibilities, the deletion of non-value-added PMs, the extended PM intervals, the deletion of duplicate PMs, and the implementation ofspecific...
I renewed my subscription to Consumer Reports last month. I don’t buy anything of value without referencing Consumer Reports and two or three other review sources. For instance, I...
I have learned a few lessons about leadership over my 30-plus years, starting at the early age of 19. I put on my first tool belt as an electrician’s helper in my dad’s company at...
As I travel in the Middle East, I am becoming more acutely aware of a common problem we all share: the lack of skilled labor throughout our respective industries. I had the...
Over the years, I've written numerous columns addressing the major day-to-day challenges facing maintenance and engineering managers, but I've never directly addressed the more...