Coaching a Robust Work Management Process for World Class Maintenance & Reliability
Nexus Global was awarded a major contract with Canada’s largest integrated energy company based in Calgary, Alberta. Recognized as an industry leader, the company specializes in the production of synthetic crude from oil sands throughout its global operations. In a competitive bid, Nexus Global was selected as the preferred provider to deliver Coaching support across the entire organization. Nexus Global was chosen due to its deep and global footprint in partnering with multinational organizations to provide Asset Performance Management (APM) support as it relates to Work Management and other reliability-driven initiatives to achieve operational excellence.
In addition to an impressive track record with multinational organizations, Nexus Global was also chosen by the company for sharing similar values regarding operational excellence. The Canadian company views operational excellence as operating in a way that is safe, reliable, cost-efficient, and environmentally responsible with four operational excellence strategic goals focusing on People, Process and Personal Safety Management, Environmental Excellence and Sustainability, and Reliability.
Maintenance assessments and productivity studies carried out across multiple company sites found similar findings to suggest organizational-wide misaligned communications and understanding of how to schedule and execute work in a structured manner. Schedules are simply a wish list of work that needs to be completed with no real understanding of the risk implications if not completed in a timely and efficient manner.
Varying competencies within the organization have led to each person working in their own way without a corporate disciplined approach. To ensure they can meet operational excellence goals, the company has realized it requires people to take pride in what they are doing and have a deeper understanding as to the value a robust work management process will deliver. “This is where the partnership with Nexus Global will provide strength, as Nexus Global has many years of experience in assisting companies like ours,” explained an M&R Lead. “We believe with the Nexus Global approach to coaching people within a process, we will achieve or exceed our goals.”
“We come across companies that will always say the right things, but it is a pleasure to work with a company that is willing to walk the talk,” says Larry Olson, CEO/President of Nexus Global. “Our strengths are our consultants' many years of experience, we have probably seen almost everything throughout the years, which makes us a stronger change specialist.”
Nexus Global will support the multi-site project over the next several years in the development of the people’s skills and making each one a highly valued resource within the organization. Olson says, “One thing we pride ourselves on, is working our self out of a job. This means the client is owning the process and has developed the skills to assure sustainability.”
Learn more about Nexus Global APM Solutions, APM Software, and APM Training.
Topics: Work Management, News, Energy & Utilities

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Ken Arthur | CRL
Through his 30+ years of experience in various industrial industries, Ken is a global leader and expert in Work Management and Execution services. Ken delivers performance improvement in areas such as work management processes, leadership development, strategic planning, maintenance and process reliability, needs assessment, learning organization applications, and performance management and appraisal system design. Ken is also a veteran who served in the U.S. Navy.