Part 1 of 2

Is anyone else like me? There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t measure something. I’m a triathlete, so I measure an unusual amount of stuff. How many miles I run,...

Part 2 of 2

Adding It Up

What does all this math add up to? If managers do it properly, the calculations can determine when a piece of equipment might fail or the probability of...

We constantly strive to find the silver bullet to make our lives and jobs better. We look for a road map that will guide us to where we need to be. Quality systems are prime...

How does this process benefit managers and their facilities? Let’s align the six areas to facility management functions.

First consider strategy and planning. An organization’s...

Professional and personal tasks for managers are often similar. In both settings, managers organize, direct, coach, supervise, and at times, discipline. One of the other common...

“Deferred maintenance is the practice of postponing maintenance activities, such as repairs on both real property — infrastructure — and personal property — equipment and systems...

Asset taxonomy combined with nomenclature data (metadata) and performance data along with asset health information are some of the important inputs used in making decisions and...

Part 1 of 3

Sometimes, we fool ourselves into thinking a bad deal is actually a bargain. My neighbors built their home in 2008 at the beginning of the housing crash. They chose to...

Part 2 of 3

Many happy returns

Two key concepts are crucial to understand for managers starting the process of making a financial case for a project or purchase.

ROI is a...

Part 3 of 3

When formally and professionally presenting the proposal, managers need to include an executive summary of the overall spending, adding details, time frames, and...